It is is a bit similar to Tomb Raider but where Lara gets to use high spec electronic equipment, she has her cronies, the money and contacts to get herself into and out of trouble, they created Annja a bit differently. Annja is clever, agile and gifted with Joan of Arc’s sword which only she can carry – she has become a defender and protector of mankind, so there is more to her than just kicking butt.
These books all follow her adventures either on digs or on research for the show she appears on – giving her the perfect premise and excuse to go around and have these totally implausible adventures, discovering murderous cults, amorous sultans, lost civilisations and whatnot. How vastly cool is that?
They are genuinely easy to pick up and read – the initial writing style in the first two books came across as very basic but I’ve stuck with the series and bought them as and when I felt like a bit of escapism. I am happy to say that the series has grown, they seem to bring out a new book each month, and the writing has improved tremendously as the character has grown and become more settled. I know the main publisher for this is the e-Harlequin lot and under their Luna and Gold Eagle they seem set to take the supernatural romance /adventure market. The majority of their books can be found at Murder One on Charing Cross Road in London and I’ve spotted one or two being marketed in Waterstones. Naturally Forbidden Planet has stocked these for ages already.
I love these in general because they are fun quick reads and as they are slender volumes, they fit easily in your bag - how girly is that? - but because of the good action and combat descriptions, they are very visual books and would satisfy loads of action fans too. All round good fun books - I'm behind with about 2 months' worth, so I need to get cracking!
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