Firstly, happy book day to Suzanne McLeod. Her debut urban fantasy novel, Sweet Scent of Blood got published today. Congratulations and the best of luck with the sales!
I look forward to attending a Forbidden Planet signing event in the near future. (wink wink)
Suzanne's emailed me and we will be hosting a guest blog from her shortly and we'll be running a competition for a signed copy of the fab novel. Did I mention it was a fab read?
More in the Suzanne McLeod bigging it up vein: she is doing a guest blog over at David Bridger's wordpress site and he is also running a competition. You can find the link here.

Fellow fans had bought between eight to fifteen copies of the book for him to sign and dedicate to various people.
It was amazing - it was a small turn-out, but the thing is, it was a quality turn out. The girl who made this amazing YouTube promo for the book also turned up - it was pretty cool.
I managed to remain lucid, I tried not to gush or say things like: "Uh, so like, you write words to go into these uhm, books, yeah?" I got my two copies signed: one to me and one for David Brendon over in South Africa who has done an amazing interview and review with Peter.
I promise to add several reviews over the weekend! I've not had a chance to sit and write them as yet because the new job has been pretty intense, long hours, loads to learn, and fun things to do like sending people to farflung places like Almaty in Kazakhstan and Shanghai!
So, several guest blogs and competitions, reviews and general news coming up soon.
Hi Liz, thank you. And you get to go to all the best places ;) I've heard great things about Peter's book and I'm looking forward to reading it myself [one day!!]
Suzanne xx
Hey Liz, I'm still incredibly jealous that you met Peter. :-) And thanks once again for the book! :-)
And thanks for the links, that's awesome of you. :-)
Thanks for coming to the signing, Liz! It was great to meet you.
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