Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Friday, July 30, 2010
Badlands: Range Wars by Eldridge James

Raine Benares - Bewitched & Betrayed by Lisa Shearin

New from the national bestselling author of "The Trouble with Demons" Raine Benares is a seeker. She finds lost things and missing people- usually alive. But now she's been bonde with the Saghred, a soul- stealing stone of unlimited power, and must hunt down its escapees. Especially since one of them is also hunting her...
(I know, not very detailed)
This is book 4 in one of my all-time-favourite fantasy series. Raine is an elf and lives in a world where magic is the norm. But don't think 'Lord of the Rings', these elves know how to have fun. Another species Lisa has reinvented are the goblins. Usually, when you hear goblin, you think short, ugly, big nose (or maybe that's just me). Oh no, one of the main characters is a goblin and he is sexy as hell, with long dark hair, a body to die for and venomous fangs that can have all sorts of interesting side-effects...
Assisting Raine are Mychael (team Mychael, team Mychael), an elf and Paladin of the mage-city Mid, and Tam, goblin and former dark mage to the goblin queen. The chemistry and the dialogue between these three alone make the books worth buying for, but Lisa Shearin has created a fantastic world with characters that jump right off the page. Everyone, be it hero or villain, is well developed and so believable. In each book the reader gets a chance to learn a little bit more about the characters' history and motivation.
Raine's adventures are swashbuckling (the family business is piracy), action-packed adventures, with twists and turns that keep you guessing until the last page. I won'y give anything away, but more than once I gaped at B&B and nearly screamed at the characters;).
The only negative is that Lisa writes one book a year. The wait can be very lloooonnggg...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Firespell: The Dark Elite by Chloe Neill

When Lily's guardians decided to send her away to a fancy boarding school in Chicago, she was shocked. So was St. Sophia's. Lily's ultra-rich brat pack classmates think Lily should be the punchline to every joke, and on top of that, she's hearing strange noises and seeing bizarre things in the shadows of the creepy building.
The only thing keeping her sane is her roommate, Scout, but even Scout's a little weird - she keeps disappearing late at night and won't tell Lily where she's been. But when a prank leaves Lily trapped in the catacombs beneath the school, Lily finds Scout running from a real monster.
Scout's a member of a splinter group of rebel teens with unique magical talents, who've sworn to protect the city against demons, vampires, and Reapers, magic users who've been corrupted by their power. And when Lily finds herself in the line of a firespell, Scout tells her the truth about her secret life, even though Lily has no powers of her own - at least, none that she's discovered yet . . .
Forget the House of Night, it's time to join the Dark Elite . . .
Monday, July 26, 2010
Loving the Library

Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Thief-Taker's Apprentice - Stephen Deas

Berren has lived in the city all his life. He has made his way as a thief, paying a little of what he earns to the Fagin like master of their band. But there is a twist to this tale of a thief.
One day Berren goes to watch an execution of three thieves. He watches as the thief-taker takes his reward and decides to try and steal the prize. He fails. The young thief is taken. But the thief-taker spots something in Berren. And the boy reminds him of someone as well. Berren becomes his apprentice.. and is introduced to a world of shadows, deceit and corruption behind the streets he thought he knew.
Berren finds his attention flitting between the spectacle of the executions and the bulging purse, and somehow he finds himself following the thief-taker.. It’s the start to sometimes rocky relationship, one that ranges across the tangled streets, knifeblade alleys and teeming squares of Deephaven as Master Sy begins to reveal hitherto unknown facets of the city Berren's known all his life.
Berren’s a genuinely interesting character; he’s a thieving, skittish boy, his cynicism the product of a life on the streets. It’s what he’s grown up with, and siding with the thieftaker doesn’t mean he’s going to change his ways overnight. It’s no easy transition either; conspiracies aside, some of the members of the gang Berren has to walk away from aren’t all too happy with his new found apprenticeship, and find very pointy ways of making their displeasure known. It's a thread that insinuates itself into various aspects of the story and Berren's development, and is deftly handled.
Taken with Stephen’s sharp dialogue and the rich setting, this is a cracking fantasy that deserves to be widely read and enjoyed.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Demon's Covenant by Sarah Rees Brennan

Mae Crawford always thought she was in control. Now she's learned that her little brother Jamie is a magician and Nick, the boy she'd set her heart on, has an even darker secret. Mae's whole world has spun out of control, and it's only going to get worse. When she realises that Jamie has been meeting secretly with the new leader of the Obsidian Circle and that Gerald wants him to join the magicians, she's not sure how to stop Jamie doing just that. Calling in Nick and Alan as reinforcements only leads to a more desperate conflict because Gerald has a plan to bring Nick down - by using Alan to spring a deadly trap. With those around her torn between divided loyalties and Mae herself torn between her feelings for two very different boys, she sees a chance to save them all - but it means approaching the mysterious and dangerous Goblin Market alone...
I enjoyed The Demon's Lexicon and was blown away by the twist at the end. I was curious to see how the Demon's Covenant moved the characters on given that the big surprise had been revealed. Mae and her brother Jamie are now back at home in Exeter, back in school and supposedly back to a boring, regular life. However, it doesn't take long for Jamie to be drawn back into danger and temptation by wizard Gerald. It appears that Jamie's powers are great and if Gerald doesn't draw him into the Obsidian Circle then another (the Aventurine Circle) has got their eye on him. When Mae calls on Nick and Alan they come immediately but something between them appears strained.
With the arrival of Nick and Alan events become unpredictable and dangerous. Mae had started seeing a boy at school, Seb, but finds herself drawn to Nick who in turn directs her towards Alan who still has feelings for her. I enjoyed reading Mae's point of view. She is supposed to be the least talented, most normal of the group but doesn't feel left out. Her very human concerns mixed with her alarming experiences in Demon's Lexicon have shaped her into an intriguing character. Whilst Nick's motivation could at times be difficult to follow in the previous book (although totally understandable retrospectively) Mae is engaging, loveable and resourceful. I especially enjoyed her times with Nick attempting to explain to him how to be more human. She has a love for slogan t-shirts and above all - dancing.
I know I'm not alone in being intrigued by the Goblin Market. I'm pleased to say it forms the basis of a complicated plot and Mae is soon dancing there with Sin, calling up demons. When Mae discovers that Alan is keeping secrets, awful secrets, she goes to the market to arrange her own plan. The Goblin Market is as beautiful and terrifying as ever. Although Mae isn't magical she feels a strong connection to the market that goes deeper than just her love of dancing. As we're following Mae we get a better understanding of Jamie and his and Mae's shared background. I loved the banter between these two, it almost reminded me of Black Adder in some parts. Jamie's attempts at friendship with Nick is both amusing and touching. We also get some insight into Alex and Nick's childhood through the diary of Daniel Ryves. This brings me to Nick who is as gorgeous, bad and compelling as ever. I'm not sure how Sarah Rees Brennan manages to make him both vulnerable and untouchable at the same time but I spent most of the book worried for his safety.
The Demon's Covenant is a wild read; the plot races and twists, the characters have deepened and there's a strong underlying strain of humour throughout. As a result I can honestly say that I would be happy for any of the characters to be the main point of view for book three. There are plenty of unanswered questions to be resolved, I'm looking forward to the final instalment.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Troy High by Shana Norris

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Random House Kids Blogger Event

Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles) by Rick Riordan

Carter and Sadie have nothing in common but their parents: their father Dr. Julius Kane, a brilliant Egyptologist, and their mother, a famed archaeologist who died under mysterious circumstances when they were young. The siblings barely know each other, but one night, their father brings them together at the British Museum, promising a ‘research experiment’ that will set things right for their family. His plans go horribly wrong. An explosion unleashes an ancient evil – the Egyptian god Set who banishes Dr. Kane to oblivion and forces the children to flee for their lives. Now orphaned, Carter and Sadie must embark on a dangerous quest – from Cairo to Paris to the American Southwest, to save their father and stop Set from destroying everything they care about . . .
Rick Riordan is a complete hero in my book. I love his actioners for boys (and girls) and think he is a very imaginative and creative writer. The Percy Jackson books really swept me away and I really liked the movie too - the look and feel of it was pretty epic. Also, the soundtrack rocked.
But I digress. My heart sank a bit when I read that he was doing books based on Egyptian mythology. It is SO done and most of it is done so badly, it's not even worth reading. But of course, this is Rick Riordan and I really should have known better.
It took me ages and ages to get into The Red Pyramid because of my own stubborness but once I overcame it, it went quickly and relatively smoothly.
When Carter and Sadie meet up after being apart for ages, it is clear that they don't know and don't really like each other. Carter had the opportunity to travel with his dad to various places all over the world whilst Sadie was forced to stay with her grandparents in London. The siblings see the other as having the more exciting or cool life: Sadie is jealous and resents Carter from escaping school and tedious routine, for getting to go on digs and adventures. Carter sees Sadie and is jealous of her time with the grandparents, of the stability she has had, of her education and her friends. Their animosity to each other raises trust issues when all they really should do is run, hope for the best, and have faith in each other.
It would have made for interesting dynamics had Sadie and Carter been stronger characters. It really pains me to say it, but I didn't like either of them, very much at all. Oh, I had empathy for them because of the scrapes they got into after their father's research went south, but I couldn't bring myself to think of them outside of the novel. It is an odd situation but I feel that if I am going to invest time in hanging around with a group of people for an extended period of time, I want to have a vested interest in them and like them. However, having put that across, I am now wondering that if I re-read it, and I focus on the story and their adventures more, I would be less bothered by Sadie and Carter?
The story is told in alternating chapters, between Carter and Sadie. In some instances the chapters crossed over a bit but that was no big problem for me, as it gave a slightly different perspective of events taking place. However, having said that, Carter and Sadie's voices were so similar at some points that it didn't matter whose chapter I was reading, and that made me feel a bit low about the whole experience.
The action and settings are wonderfully over the top, as are their helpers and hinderers along the way. You can tell that the author slowed down some parts to give his characters and readers a chance to catch up with matters, before he goes ahead and sling-shots them into another predicament or action set-piece. The story is very visual, relying on the reader's imagination and growing knowledge of Egyptian mythlology so that you can picture the images and glyphs etc.
I read this book last month, in June and it's taken me ages to get my words in order to write the review. I am very conflicted about The Red Pyramid. It is good storytelling but readers should know that it isn't Percy Jackson. It is still enjoyable but it there is a lot of backstory and history and younger readers may be put off by it. On the other hand, it may encourage readers to grab some mythology books and read up about the various gods and goddesses of Egypt. It really is a marmite book, I think. Probably the second one I've ever come across in the five years I've been reviewing. Some readers will love it, some readers will be pretty ambivalent about it.
Having said that, I am now thinking that the second book in the series will be where everything will kick off full blast. This has definitely been the scene setting, the character introduction, the backstory and the origin story all rolled into one. So perhaps this is the start of something grander and more epic than PJ? Who knows! Only time and book 2 will tell.
Published by Puffin, The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan is out now.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Dead Boy Talking by Linda Strachan
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
By Midnight by Mia James

April Dunne is not impressed.
She's had to move from Edinburgh to Highgate, London, with her parents. She's left her friends - and her entire life - behind. She has to start at a new school and, worst of all, now she's stuck in a creepy old dump of a house which doesn't even have proper mobile phone reception. Ravenwood, her new school, is a prestigious academy for gifted (financially or academically) students - and the only place her parents could find her a place, in the middle of term, in the middle of London, on incredibly short notice. So she's stuck with the super-rich, and the super-smart . . . and trying to fit in is when the rest of the students seem to be more glamorous, smarter, or more talented than she is, is more than tough. It's intimidating and isolating, even when she finds a friend in the conspiracy-theorist Caro Jackson - and perhaps finds something more than friendship in the gorgeous, mysterious Gabriel Swift.
But there's more going on at Ravenwood than meets the eye. Practical jokes on new students are normal, but when Gabriel saves her from . . . something . . . . in the Highgate Cemetery, and then she discovers that a murder took place, just yards away from where she had been standing, April has to wonder if something more sinister is going on.
. . . and whether or not she's going to live through it . . .
When I initially heard about By Midnight I was a little cynical. I mean, is there really anything left that hasn't already been written about teenagers and vampires? Well, as it happens, yes there is. Not only that but I found I was pleased to be found wrong, ecstatic in fact. Much like Liz's review of Dark Goddess I also had to take a few days out before writing this so I didn't gush too much.
April Dunne has been relocated to London and is hating it, her new school is elitist and unfriendly. Alongside this her parents are arguing constantly and April can barely get a reception on her phone. A murder of a famous rock star just around the corner from April's house means she has to be home straight from school which is a disaster for her social life. Fortunately April ignores good advice and soon finds herself exploring the cemetery at night. She discovers a dead fox and blood - too much blood to belong to one fox - only to be saved by the uncommunicative but gorgeous Gabriel from school.
Things improve for April as she befriends conspiracy nut Caro who fills her in on her theories behind Ravenwood. Students have been disappearing but no-one seems too worried about finding out about it. April's dad, a journalist, is also investigating something weird - vampires. When April takes some photos at a party she discovers that some of the most popular kids in school don't show up on film. Then, another murder takes place and April finds herself being questioned by police and more involved than she wants.
So, what's so good about By Midnight? First off, the setting of Highgate in London. I love Highgate cemetery, have been on the tour and often mull over if I can afford to be buried there (I can't - bah). The real-life mystery of the Highgate vampire is explained and this forms the basis of the story. As a result the whole book is dripping in Gothic horror; from the architecture to the parties. Even the autumnal weather gives the By Midnight a kind of shadowy, murky glamour. I also loved the characters who were all "real" teenagers. Parties have alcohol and people have sex - there's none of this skirting around the issues pretending that they don't happen. The most perfect part of it for me was that it encapsulates the whole confusion of being a teenager. April remembers when she got on with her parents and when they got on with each other. Now they hiss at each other in corners whilst April's life is a closed book to most of the adults who surround her. She feels alone and confused but unable to turn to anyone except her friends to find the answers.
The pace of By Midnight is perfect too, just the right amount of action and reflection and April is instantly likeable and relateable. I found myself whizzing my way through, desperate to find out what it was that made April different and why she was being held in suspicion by her peers at Ravenwood. There's some wonderful dialogue and one-liners throughout. This little quote gives you an idea of where April and By Midnight differs from other vampire stories.
'You're certainly different, April Dunne.' He chuckled, holding his side.
'What's so funny?' said April, still annoyed.
'Well, most people confronted by a vampire for the first time scream or beg for their lives. You, on the other hand, stab the vampire and then start telling him off.'
Now I've finished I'm left drumming my fingers wondering when I can get more from April and Ravenwood.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Unit by Terry DeHart

Jerry Sharpe is an ex-marine and, for him, survival means protecting his family by any means necessary.
Susan is learning just how far a mother will go for her children. But how far will she go for a man she doubted before the bombs fell? As Jerry's training and instincts take over, she is certain of one thing - her children need her.
Melanie was going to go to college. Now, she is struggling to find a way to live in a world gone mad without losing sight of what she believes in.
Scotty has a new mission - more than survival. He was saved, and he'll be damned if he won't fight for what's right.
And Bill - Bill was locked up, but the power went out and the guards left. Now he and his fellow inmates have realised that everything is free for the taking . . . if you're strong enough to hold on to it.
The Unit starts us off in the middle of a gun battle between a group of identified men and a group of survivors traveling by road, trying to get to safety. There are women, children, elderly people, men with guns. They have cattle and food and are moving openly along the road. Dangerous and stupid, especially when the world has gone haywire since nuclear bombs have gone off over several major cities in the States.
We see the gun battle take place through the eyes of Jerry and his family. He urges them to stay low, to keep still, whilst he watches the slaughter down below. It is not something he relishes but by watching we come to realise that it is something he has to do. It keeps him focussed and grounded. He has to look after his small family, his unit, and ensure their survival, even it it means following a group of survivors, using them to clear the road for them.
It is difficult to put yourself in a place such as this. Where you have to be pragmatic, sensible and brutal. Where it is a kill or be killed scenario. Where you both admire your father for forging ahead, to try and get you somewhere to safety, whilst disliking him at the same time for what he is and what he is forcing you to do: to keep on marching, for hours on end.
The novel is gritty is and brutal, and exercise in warfare and survival. It doesn’t come near the starkness of The Road but it’s pretty damn close. I found myself reading on and on, almost against my will. I was fascinated, worried, repulsed by the depravity depicted in the novel. It raised, to me at least, the question: how far are you prepared to go to survive? And by doing so, what amount of your humanity will you be prepared to lose in the process?
Dystopian and post-apocalyptic novels are finding homes everywhere at present and I have to say, it’s a sub-genre I find myself interested in and I’m not entirely sure I’m comfortable with that. But, it is what it is.
Terry DeHart’s The Unit is a strong reminder that we are tougher than what we give ourselves credit for. All of us have untapped reserves and that when pushed, those reserves are what keeps us alive.
As the novel progresses and the small family gets split because of a various reasons, the narrative becomes more insular. Each chapter is told from another person’s perspective but once they aren’t with each other any more, we have a lot of internal questioning dialogue and observations about themselves and the world. We are filled in on the back story, about what life was like before the bombs, what they were like after the bombs, how long they’ve been on road, how people have degenerated in such a short period of time.
It is the daughter, Melanie’s story, that really bothered me the most. It stayed with me the longest. I disagreed strongly with the author for putting her in such an awful situation, being raped and degraded in such a fashion. It would put anyone’s back up, but once I finished the novel and sat back and thought about it, I felt that I understood why he wrote the story the way he did. It was inevitable and awful, but it was an avenue that had to be explored, to showcase Melanie and Jerry’s bond and strength of character whilst showing the cravenness of the group of delinquents who did capture Melanie.
The writing is tense and holds the attention. I had to force myself to stop reading because I know how involved I sometimes get with stories, especially hyper-realistic stories such as this one.
I took a few days off after reading it to recover. It’s an odd book for me - I both loved it and enjoyed for various reasons but then it also made me very uncomfortable and deeply unhappy. So, from that point of view, the author has succeeded in his job. He’s taken me out of my comfort zone and shook me around a little, making me think. I’m not sure I liked that.
The Unit by Terry DeHart is a book that has great pace and vivid descriptions. It is not a comfortable read, it is a good read but it should not be tackled lightly.
The Unit is out later this month from Orbit. Find Terry DeHart’s website here.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Smells Like Dog by Suzanne Selfors

Blurb from http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Stunt Bunny: Showbiz Sensation by Tamsyn Murray

Once upon a time, there was the cutest fluffy bunny-wunny called Flopsy. She lived in a house with a little girl called Susie and her family. Flopsy spent every day staring out of her cage and nothing exciting ever happened to her. The End.
Awwww, now wasn’t that a lovely story? In fact, that’s probably how things did turn out for the other rabbits in Noah’s Ark Pet Shop the day the Wilson family came in to buy a bunny. But from the moment The Wilsons got their new pet home it be came clear that she was no ordinary rabbit. And she wasn’t putting up with a wimpy name like ‘Flopsy’, either. Harriet Houdini had hopped into their lives and things would never be boring again.
After winning the village pet show, Harriet is whisked into the world of show business and finds herself competing in a talent show. If she wins, she’ll be a national star but there are other pets with their eye on first place. Can Harriet compete with an opera singing Poodle? And who is the mysterious man who offers to buy her?
Stunt Bunny, Showbiz Sensation is one of the younger books I've received to review and you know, it was no hardship as we know Tamsyn from her excellent debut novel, My So-Called Afterlife. I knew Tamsyn could do humour for teens but could she do it for younger folk?
Yes, she can. Laugh out loud funny, Harriet Houdini is the kind of pet I would have loved to have had growing up. Creative, intelligent, daring and most of all brave and very clever, Harriet gets into all kinds of trouble in her new home. She constantly escapes and is renamed Harriet Houdini as Flopsy just did not suit.
Her star quality is apparent and soon a tv personality spots her at the pet show and things get a bit out of hand - of course! And further crazy giggling adventures ensue.
Harriet narrates the book. Its confidential and chummy tone and irreverent and tongue in cheek comments will thrill younger readers and amuse parents. Harriet's voice is true and mature, making Stunt Bunny a good read for confident readers and the humour will appeal and hold the attention of reluctant readers. I definitely think Harriet's adventures will appeal to boys too and as the chapters are short they are perfect for parents to sit down and read with the young folk.
I definitely need to mention the artwork. Dotted throughout the novel we have some wickedly funny bits of artwork from Lee Wildish, invariably depicting the chaos Harriet manages to effortlessly to leave in her wake.
Lee also illustrated the utterly cool trump bunny cards that Tamsyn created. I put my - obviously - two favourites below.
I love that Tamsyn has jumped onto the publishing scene and within a short span of time we're getting several books from her. Her writing is fresh and different, filled with humour but also well written. I am looking forward to the next Stunt Bunny. I love that it's entitled: Stunt Bunny: Tour Troubles, with special guests Spike-tacular!
Stunt Bunny: Showbiz Sensation is out now.
Stunt Bunny
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
The Dark Goddess by Sarwat Chadda

After the death of her soulmate Kay by her very own sword, Billi SanGreal has thrown herself into the brutal regime of Templar duties with utter abandon. There is no room for feelings any more - her life is now about hunting down the Unholy.
But when Billi and another Knight Templar are caught at the heart of a savage werewolf attack, only Billi survives - except for a young girl at the scene who Billi unthinkingly drags away with her as they escape. But Vasalisa is no ordinary girl. She is an avatar with an uncontrollable power - and it's not only the werewolves who want her.
Billi has to flee to the frosty climes of Russia, with a human timebomb who, it seems, could destroy the world . .
Did you guys see how I lied? Last week I promised a review of Sarwat Chadda's The Dark Goddess but it never transpired.
You may well wonder why. The honest truth is I felt that my review would not do it justice. I wrote it, fangirling like a fangirl, shortly after I read the manuscript. Yes. The Manuscript. See the pic below. It's now slightly mangled from living in my bookbag for a while but it is precious to me and will get SC to sign it for me.
My review read like a twihard's stuttering after meeting RPatz in person of even Steph Meyer. Nothing wrong with that, true, but not the type of review I wanted to convey my feelings for The Dark Goddess.
So I deleted the whole thing, gave myself the weekend to get over myself. I now feel that I am now distanced enough to give a balanced review.
What struck me overall is how much Mr. Chadda has matured as a writer. There is a clear escalation of writing - both in story arc, conflict and character development. In The Devil's Kiss Billi was not a likeable character, not to me anyway. Oh, I admired her guts and had a lot of sympathy for her, but I really didn't want to hang out with her. She was self-absorbed, selfish, moody and a bit unpleasant to be around. However, she needed to be for her story to be told, for us to get to know her.
In The Dark Goddess we see a different side of Billi. At the end of TDK a Bad Thing happens. She loses someone very close to her. But as is the nature of real life, you have to go on. Especially so for the handful of Templars left. Billi is still a squire in the Templars and she's still the one that has to do drudge work. But her father, Arthur and the rest of the Templars, see her as a valued member of their team and not a liability. Her head is in the game. Probably too much so. She holds herself aloof, aware that if she fails at anything she does from now on, it can and will have disastrous consequences.
The novel opens with a fight against a group of female werewolves (the Polenitsy) who are keen to steal away a little Russian girl. The Templars fight them off and the little girl is saved. But her grandparents were killed during the attack, so the only thing they can do is take her with them back to Temple.
We soon realise that the girl is someone special. We witness it when she brings dying plants back to life before their disbelieving eyes. Arthur and his team realise that Vasilisa is an oracle, a visionary / psychic. And the werewolves want her so that they can sacrifice her to their goddess.
Fantastically fraught and an awful concept to conceive but honestly, the author makes it work. We suspend our disbelief, in his hands this world is real, we are hunted for our humanity and only Billi and her Templars can save us.
Slowly, the story is pieced together. It necessitates a trip to Russia to rescue Vasilisa and an opportunity to sort things out with the Polenitsy and hopefully stop the destruction of the world. You know, the usual events in Billi's life.
In Russia they team up with a band of warriors called the Bogatyrs lead by a chap called Koshchey. Billi also meets Prince Ivan Romanov, the last of the Russian royal line. He's Billi's age and he sounds like such a fantastic character and I am really looking forward to hearing more about him. Go and have a look at Sarwat's interview where I ask him about Ivan. He stands out in YA fiction to me - he has great potential and he needs guidance and someone to help him grow from being a stubborn, little bit spoiled, tough teen into an independent young man.
Well - saying more at this point will reveal too much of the story. But needless to say everyone does not go off and live happily ever after. There's a plane crash, there are wolves, there are fights, there is sneaking, there is betrayal on an epic scale and there is also death. The book runs a gamut of emotions and through Billi we get to experience all of it. She's such a fantastically cool creation and she is to be admired - holding her own in a nasty and unsympathetic world.
I can't urge you enough to give this book a try. It is unique in scope and character. A worthy urban fantasy for the YA market.
Also. Werewolves still rule. In my opinion. Even if they are sometimes a liiiiiitle bit bad.
The Dark Goddess is now out in all good book stores. Go, buy.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Heist Society by Ally Carter
Heist Society by Ally Carter

I had the opportunity to meet Ally at a signing the other day and she is absolutely lovely. She is working hard on 'Heist 2' and I can't wait for her to finish.