Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Salamander Competition - Winners!

Congratulations to Richard of Galway and Alexander from Pontyberem, our winners in the Salamander competition, with a nod of thanks to Random.org!

I've sent you each a confirmation email so please do get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can make the neccesary arrangements.

A big thank you to Nick Kyme and the Black Library for their support, and to those who didn't win this time, thank you for your support and keep visiting!


Richard said...

Thanks a million, I will look forward to giving it a read.

Alexander Storch said...

I'm so chuffed! Thanks ever so much guys. I look forwards to getting my (signed) prize.

Keep up the good work on the site.


Neil Ford said...

Oh, poo! Will mean I'll need to buy a copy now! ;)

- Neil.

Mark said...

Thanks for your support guys- I look forward to hearing your opinions on the books!

(Sorry Neil! There will be other chances though)